Martín Andrés Montero


Professional with experience in the field of criminal law and, especially, in economic and financial criminal law, in which he has been involved as a trial lawyer, member of the Advisory Council of the Financial Information Unit, Secretary of Justice and Penitentiary Affairs of the Nation, and official of the Judiciary of the Nation. In the professional sphere, he is a partner of Marteau. Abogados, a law firm focused on influencing decision-making in the field of transnational economic-financial crimes, providing highly specialized services of strategic advice, intelligent litigation and global consulting. In particular, he manages matters related to advice, legal assistance in compliance, compliance risk mitigation and institutional transparency, as well as acts as defense counsel and sponsor in criminal, criminal-administrative litigation in which human or legal persons and their managers require this type of professional attention. He has specialized in the coordination of working groups with participants from the public and private sectors, dedicated to the treatment of complex regulatory issues related to the implementation of requirements related to compliance with the Corporate Criminal Responsibility Law 27.401, Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism 25.246 and in the design of new procedures and application of international recommendations (FATF, GAFILAT, G20, OECD, FCPA’s). In order to intervene before the Argentine National and Federal Courts, he is a member of the Colegio Público de Abogados de la Capital Federal and the Cámara Federal de Apelaciones de San Martín (Federal Court of Appeals of San Martín). His professional career has been developed in the field of economic criminal law and contains, in turn, 16 years of professional experience in the field of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing, in the prevention and investigation of public and private corruption and the development of public and private policies of institutional transparency and good corporate governance. As a member of the Advisory Council of the Financial Information Unit, he had legal competence in the design and drafting of all regulations issued by the Financial Information Unit of Argentina, applicable to the universe of regulated entities of Law 25246, with special emphasis on the adaptation of the whole set of regulations of the Argentine Republic to the applicable international standards (FATF, GAFILAT, G20, OECD).Secretary of the National Foundation for Financial Intelligence (FININT), a private Argentine organization specialized in academic work and human resources training in the fight against money laundering, financing of terrorism, development of weapons of mass destruction and other forms of transnational organized crime. Member of the Argentine-American Network for Leadership (R.E.A.L), formed by former State Department Fellows of the United States of America, and Member of the group of experts on Transnational Organized Crime at the Argentine Council for International Relations (C.A.R.I.). He is a professor of the postgraduate course “Update Program on Global Combat of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism”, at the School of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. He was Secretary of Justice and Penitentiary Affairs of the Nation, as executor of all judicial and penitentiary policies set forth by the Presidency of the Nation.

Coordinator and National Representative before GAFI/FTAF, GAFISUD and CICAD-OAS. Director of Investigations of the Anticorruption Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. Clerk of the First Chamber of the National Court of Appeals for Criminal and Correctional Matters of the Federal Capital. He obtained his law degree from the School of Law and Political Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. At said university and at Universidad Austral, he completed several specializations in criminal law. Former fellow, International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) “Administration of Justice and Rule of Law” of the Department of State of the United States of America.

He has participated in numerous dissertations, exhibitions, workshops, as well as has written numerous articles and publications in his specialty.